graphviz-python-2.40.1-lp151.6.6.1<>,9؉_F/=„#i0o$Zij\2149W :Z>),j0E"Vp(@`J,"bdPg4$Uݒ~&E nde )f;;T,+ilu{2'[c)Q7:$Z Wq>?d % C ,2<H N T ` # (4CR(89@:yFGHIXY\ ],^Gbc)defluvwxy zXhlrCgraphviz-python2.40.1lp151.6.6.1Python Extension for GraphvizThe graphviz-python package contains the Python extension for the graphviz tools._Fobs-arm-2;xopenSUSE Leap 15.1openSUSEEPL-1.0http://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Graphics/Visualization/Graph큤_F_F_Fgf0291b28907c896a30ea3c8d9665fc3d5f5ca7fdb9de6e6cac5602785e42192c7868bad1fd81b3a780ab34c4d5fa07e928c8624b04e57d9bdcdb02dd50289e706c332cab5244a30f9d863ce949ec369c70f996b6ed340984dbe1cd6d5eb0dc1erootrootrootrootrootrootgraphviz-addons-2.40.1-lp151.6.6.1.src.rpmgraphviz-pythongraphviz-python(aarch-64)^ϧ\Z]@Y@Y|YY@YV@Y@YY*Ux&U&iTi@Christian Vögl Christian Vögl dimstar@opensuse.orgpth@suse.depth@suse.depth@suse.dedimstar@opensuse.orgtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.combwiedemann@suse.commpluskal@suse.comopensuse.lietuviu.kalba@gmail.comLed - Added graphviz-null_dereference.patch to fix CVE-2018-10196 (boo#1093447)- Added graphivz-malformed_input.patch from commit 839085f8 to fix CVE-2019-11023 (boo#1132091)- Disable building the graphviz-ocaml package: we have no consumer of it, but not building it allows us to elminiate a build cycle.- Reverse last change.- Remove and graphviz-addon.* as they aren't needed anymore.- Replace the recommends for graphviz-gnome by a 'supplements packageand' so that graphviz doesn't pull in all the X11 related stuff on a machine without graphical desktop (bsc#930442).- Exclude %{_mandir}/man1/smyrna.1%{ext_man} from graphiz' main package, since the man page is packaged in the -smyrna sub package already.- Add bcond for java and ocaml that can be overriden in staging prj- Drop smyrna and gvedit separate spec, now handled by graphviz-addons * Switch graphviz-gvedit to Qt5: + graphviz-qt5.patch - Drop graphviz-plugin subkpg in favor of graphviz-addons.spec that is generated from graphviz directly - Make sure all patches are applied also in main package so none get lost by accident - Refresh patch graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch - Make sure graphviz php plugins are generated using php7 * set the php7 path in graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch - Remove tkspline from tcl package as it is no longer shipped - Make sure the pic/pie is enforced on all the libs/bins- Update to 2.40.1 release: * Remove usage of ast_common.h * network-simplex fixes and optimization (Stephen North) * built-in tred tool now available in the various swig generated language bindings (John Ellson) * number rounding added to SVG renderer (same as PS and TK rounding) to aid regression testing. (John Ellson) * additional regressson test framework, used in Travis CI builds. (Erwin Janssen) * PHP7 support (requires swig-3.0.11 or later). (John Ellson) * Allow user to specify clustering algorithm in gvmap. (Emden Gansner) * Add Sierpinski graph generator to gvgen. (Emden Gansner) * Extensive code cleanup (Erwin Janssen) * Removal of libgd source - use vanilla libgd from separate install * Windows builds (Erwin Janssen) * Appveyor CI for automated Windows build testing (Erwin Janssen) * Travis CI for Fedora/Centos builds (Erwin Janssen) * Added JSON output format, -Tjson (Emden Gansner) * New curved arrowhead, cylinder node shape. * Resolves bugs: 2599, 1172 * Add cylinder shape for databases. * Free installed plugins * Update makefile for dot so that the using libpanco_C in the static build include PANGOFT2 as well as PANGOCAIRO_LIBS (needed for some versions of Ubuntu) * Add json output format * output class value in svg files * Add plain shape for use with HTML-like labels. * Add icurve arrowhead. * Revert to old, translate to origin semantics in neato, etc. Add flag notranslate if that is what the user desires. - Run over with spec-cleaner and convert deps to pkgconfig - Fix Group - Remove unused pre requirements as there is no pre phase - Inline sed changes and do not rely on pipes - Do not add needless requires to devel pkg, there are no such stated dependencies in any of the .pc files provided - Add scriptlet to allow generating of the extras subpkg instead of having independent spec files- Add reproducible.patch to not have binaries depend on build system timings- Remove pangocairo and lasi support as it introduces build cycle- Build with pangocairo and lasi support.- fix ksh-specific constrictions in script - add patches: + graphviz-2.38.0-fix-gvmap.patchobs-arm-2 15984593212.40.1-lp151. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=44fe2fc0f2acc1d5bbcd7624d497e9f5e8505118, strippedPython script, ASCII text executabletroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) R PRRRR R RRR RRRR qw\D r@utf-8d486e91653ff485d08797cfd3badd14279cea759ead44f1d22f7e185245b1ef0? 7zXZ !t/0i]"k%7^).J55!ȕe=O8 ?"3Pw`v8< x)uU4ʓ X'Њ tJNĈ=b5DIDX#*vD}%Jl覜r:͓4/}smC.1ȘRr_#\o{B?V[ÌpTW{̬! m E^Zg/0ZQ),MymK0B?Kv/bXӌ UmDbynH8E[FH!c9F-&d^"]P"^ ޡ`G լT7Zx21%DY=F c;?Z__ôA#_5mqZ>eV>kFkszlIiю#YybY2/O;Ot&b&b-"q`ۼE2R]%wˌ,N/eztz9B9Jٶ2 4qjR_T>m$)̗*E=3M@)TB:݉0H*ea*߳4RU'Ɇ! -&L ޜ*d8⍫z1Z9:-ԫMjs4G KCm@e}UpN`NT5"CE|ΚP- EGn>mr&z` $R3,!cQulWXm l#=.jP[h:qԟ5ca`Fn5\M^ X#6vmF'4D'F'Kb8K[lBڞ^WW3\‰Y\/yt!՞4cE/]"m/E$Y"jn ,$ xN/eCۘ~ҏh.6F !jpa9ŗ}fzZ*_9ayb$G럴isHLvHa3MXI3 8WhEu}+JLZSnTδ076ތ5eThۏ:׿'&sG$ ݿ5d`-dKE1\V^mVP'zCRs4 qf#Tr7O)^M/&E }55f ?<.Pozf%+ 5?5wNtAZV̴WLO.R Y!ަi` bMv3TJ+pVQavl]{P5̕ȧ 3@#F|jboHOVE-ބnnBL'~ӡPLwtvΤ_dU?c֯,wZBwaW9VD6B=e_ZMkm<ܷgqTk{V %bUw&Eň~`R x=-6di:KɭL8r),BLұ-[F2fϻu_߮vl/K ‰2=Gז 'l>8 Ϥ1L:^vބ۔!WO,K/v$:5k{Lh[gy>Q;C3w Z/28Y5H8˼a(;"t "7.0cK)C{B^Ԭ MsתCĨܯT]hG]Wr#\b49kIx[6rAߩLJ$Ň 68 IdK4;/0~ U'mUtug D ~Ӽ9luHOrC&mSNg hIGe¯ %} -Ӈ˲F {]G*FE]krSFya> ?a)R7r>}bW˷2iᲳ(ѴkɁ_W[PGC%"\"4,żL֍8հ0؁zG7;Vև?c:0"e}2XC)S'Nx g2]j/^fG-%I'[1ݮߎ|p(XȚD31HhY\-LR"uqtI.a>48(꠰"@Ѥ>fXMT K`v?twSfTSyzu,Qia:C.j~"(4+u졉(B,5; w"Ǵ'(ǛQQ{$=NwN]q}.&_ٽ<۴7Xzol/X9)$Vt⦇7@_n {[[BCjjWlCLzWzeBaF.(3B_@T'UrZ+S-H>\#F핥DbUeiH4 Ieɯ#,g44B+0Jh438 zDzT% BQjgz +ж0rXilgw;ܾ5ah8:C2{Y|1EX#=d h;#\1lVGesܚ*p:qO#l8+v-J1Oe?p gz6fo&V1Nͱ`Tw48zֹj!e>b^{lBJ'U**Θߞbd$"I/=傅r7K3mfhF$R'JfOAld(fvRU*:p.->-ES~К ʞ` j8tDÄbACuxN9_C\  vSY6bʌ^a0sZJ<Rݛ*B'{9^^/4sj,P^h+1'N5|r.V>W@N{>BLsd_qA6:D/1D IWǃ%5A-Dt$%REwtةtn)*Θ6JU>𦚐1dVp%8j|[d@<;L1L䫳ьE'x"VBF23>`<4%B Hqg]%KW/ԩbș'wEm\U}KfGn!iZ3[5KMͻ'|.3IGoz}x̅ O+S)֋iUuR vƠO=pF\~?p+'Bfv uă{mT풿Gd(@ph'uE6W`|Ě1>3fTR؇3a="L0`f`*U{)Er8),W%kd6>tI,4dJg D =n791_v41P\7 .$V-]]vg.  =30Q0eS~N$8IQYϡ N9O$ЈKl`7 y)D(:Of 8{}nee?>mOif%Jbg=e0F5 (@dbv pҪB͋S!gH{Px4֢iJI+mzeXܣJaxFkV<؊䆱~GI̚[TYzy\+)Q7pMK p.$b2N#V+֞֙loķlWz+'TPAFL1& uaNLiu*%dF}tY$~OLލߦ%+4A,PXLBɣoZiKFCmQ_xլ6?u/‘e!}%1'ǙKO h7xUz'-Fź֏nㄶ1Y+gɩД(j 95Vse \4EQ mߏ7/(9ZuE. 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